Newport Housing Authority will host its 2nd Annual Toy Drive on December 17th from 12 to 3 p.m. at the Park Holm Senior Center.
Donations may be dropped up through the day of the event (Dec. 17). Donations such as toys, gift cards food (nonperishables), clothes, and shoes will be accepted at the One Park Holm Office through Friday and at the Park Holm Senior Center on the day of the event.
Newport Housing Authority invites its community family to come with the kids to enjoy this festive event which was started by Natasha Pierre, the new property manager.
“Growing up I was taught by my mom to be kind, generous, and loving to others” said Pierre who added that her mother always gave to the less fortunate kids growing up and she has carried that legacy with her throughout her life. She started the Christmas toy drive last year.
Newport Housing would like to thank all its sponsors which include Christmas Tree Shop, Newport Police Department, Housing Hotline, KingsMen, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, O Brien’s Pub, Castle Hill, and Stop and Shop.
Contact Natasha Pierre, Property Manager at 401-239-0875 or 401-871-2377 or for more information or with questions.